We challenge you to do push-ups! This challenge is meant to help you build proficiency and capacity in your push ups…. just in time for MURPH!
Follow the calendar below, with available scaling options, to build volume and improve technique in your push ups:
- Mondays: Max Rep Test! How many push-ups can you do unbroken?
- Tuesdays: Tabata! 8 rounds of :20 work/:10 rest. See how many total reps you can get up to.
- Wednesdays: Mobility work! Pick two movements and hold them 1 min/side or longer.
- Thursdays: 10 minute EMOM. Take 70% of the max number of push-ups you did on Monday and perform that amount at the top of each minute.
- Fridays: Completion goal – each week the number of push-ups will go up. Complete these throughout the day!
- Week 1: 50
- Week 2: 100
- Week 3: 150
- Week 4: 200
- Saturdays: Shoulder Accessory Work. Give your shoulders some love. Pick 2-3 movements and do 3 rounds of :40 work/:20 rest on each.
- Sundays: Rest
But what if I can’t do a single push up?!
Here are some options:
Incline Push Up: perform a push up on an incline, at a height that feels doable yet challenging (a plyo box, a step, a table, etc.)
Knee Push Up: place a pad or cushion on the ground to kneel on and perform a push up while on your knees.
Push Up Tips:
- Every rep begins and ends at the top, with arms at full extension, at the bottom position, chest touches the ground before extending the arms to complete the rep.
- When you set up to do a push up, your thumbs should be near your armpits.
- When lowering yourself down, pull your shoulders back and down.
- Your elbows should come back at a 45 degree angle.
- Keep your gaze slightly forward rather than straight down. This will help keep your head aligned with your spine.
- While in the plank position, squeeze your butt and tighten your abs.
- Doorway stretch: https://www.saintlukeskc.org/health-library/doorway-pectoral-stretch-flexibility
- Thread the needle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9rHkuGNjWQ
- Thoracic extension on the wall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU8BjeHcABs
- Criss-cross arms stretch: https://lairdchiropractic.com/shoulder-opener-criss-cross-arms
- Puppy stretch: https://extendyoga.com/fun-pose-friday-puppy-pose/
Shoulder Accessory Work
- Prone swimmers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkFfiotU1To
- KB hurdles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zCD-lQF_wo (can do two arms at a time)
- Bottoms up KB OH hold
- PVC lift-off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUy4wf6Kpb4 (can be done on the floor if no bench)
- Supinated 90 degree grip banded pull-aparts: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/supinated-90-degree-band-pull-apart
- Wall angels: https://www.bodylogics.co.uk/the-wall-angel-why-you-need-this-exercise-in-your-life (can be done on the floor)
- Banded IYT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwHdGjl4NZ8
- Internal rotation diagonals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljarOjCQTWk